Conferences and events

There's a lot happening. Check out these upcoming conferences and events

September 2024

International Dementia Conference

When: 5 and 6 September 2024

Where: Sydney Hilton Hotel

The International Dementia Conference is a biannual conference that has informed and driven dementia care discussion for more than two decades.

The two-day event will feature, global experts, industry leaders and those with lived experience.

The event is run by The Dementia Centre, which was established almost 30 years ago to provide research, education and consultancy in complex dementia care

October 2024

International Congress of Neuropsychiatrists

When: 30 October 2024

Where: Melbourne Convention Centre Melbourne

The International Neuropsychiatry Association Congress will be held over three days.

Planning is well underway towards developing a comprehensive and innovative scientific program at the Congress offering a pre-Congress symposium, plenary and keynote sessions, symposium, workshops and poster presentations.

Our team will be delivering a presentation at the event. Find out more about the Congress program here

November 2024

Joint Solution – Young Onset Dementia Summit

Save the Date

When: 12 November

Where: Jasper Hotel, Melbourne

We are excited to announce an upcoming event dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of the needs of those living with Young Onset Dementia, their carers
and family.