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We are developing innovative community based solutions and support systems for people with young onset dementia and young people with a disability in residential aged care.
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DonateAdvocacy, decision making, negotiation
We assist individuals and families with advocacy, decision making, negotiation with service providers and funders in health, disability (NDIS), aged care and housing.
The Alliance:
- provides information to the public and to governments about the Younger People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) issue and achievement of the 2025 YPIRAC target
- makes information available that helps to inform the choices individuals and families make regarding their support and housing options
- provides mentoring and secondary consultancy to health, aged care, housing and disability service providers, clinicians, support coordinators and other professionals.
- provides advice and policy analysis to governments through submissions to parliamentary and other inquiries and the direct raising of policy proposals.
The Alliance worked closely with the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety on its examination of matters relating to YPIRAC. We’ve developed an extensive body of work covering disability services, aged care, housing, rehabilitation and YPIRAC itself. Some of this work can be accessed on the Resources page.