Information and resources

Our resources section contains information covering policies, reports and submissions. It also includes fact sheets, frequently asked questions and useful links.

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13 – 15 of 26 results

External Links

MS Plus

Australia’s leading sources of information, advice and support services for people living with MS and other neurological conditions based in Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and the ACT

External Links

MS Australia

Australia’s national multiple sclerosis (MS) not-for-profit organisation that empowers researchers to identify ways to treat, prevent and cure MS, seeks sustained and systemic policy change via advocacy, and acts as the champion for Australia’s community of people affected by MS.

External Links

MND Western Australia

External Links

MND South Australia

To provide and promote best possible care and support for people living with MND.

External Links

MND Victoria

We provide support services at no cost to the person living with MND/Kennedy's Disease and their family.

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