Information and resources

Our resources section contains information covering policies, reports and submissions. It also includes fact sheets, frequently asked questions and useful links.

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199 – 170 of 193 results

Fact Sheets

Moving house: Successful transitioning

Moving house can be a challenging undertaking for anyone. It can be especially so for young people with high and complex health and support needs. For this group, moving or transitioning from one place or service to another is much more complicated than packing bags, changing utilities and booking a moving van. Existing life skills may need to be strengthened or new skills learnt if residents are to successfully move to their new home.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am in a nursing home, and I am not receiving enough carer support, equipment, therapy or community access. What can I do?

What to do when funding is lost due to being placed in aged car.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am in hospital and have been told my needs are now too high to live in the community and I will have to move into a nursing home. What options are available to me?

There are a multitude of reasons why someone may be told their only option is to move into a nursing home.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is it possible for a young person in Australia to end up living in a nursing home?

There are many reasons why young people are finding themselves living in nursing homes.

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