
News and Media releases from YPINH.

Department of Treasury's National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS) Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS)

With over half of the young people placed in nursing homes acquiring their disability as the result of a catastrophic injury, the Alliance has argued for development of a national catastrophic injury insurance scheme since its inception in 2002.

In 2007, a National Summit convened by the Alliance and attended by senior representatives from the AMA, motor vehicle and work cover schemes and state health and disability departments, unanimously called for the development of such a scheme as a matter of urgency.

The Productivity Commission called for two Schemes in its 2011 Report into Life Time Care for Australians with disability. While the NDIS is now underway, much remains to be done to ensure the NIIS can similarly become a reality.

The Alliance made a substantial submission to the NIIS RIS regarding consolidation of Australian motor vehicle schemes to no fault status.

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