
News and Media releases from YPINH.

Losing NDIS eligibility and funding

The Alliance is seeing a growing number of NDIS participants lose their eligibility for the NDIS when they enter a nursing home for the first time after they turn 65.

This is because S29 of the NDIS Act revokes NDIS eligibility status for scheme participants in this position.

Losing NDIS eligibility and access to the scheme’s funding means that these disabled Australians are forced to rely on an aged care system that was never intended to support them.

Without the NDIS, these former NDIS participants have lost any chance of leaving aged care. They can’t

  • Access NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation housing
  • Get NDIS funding. The aged care system doesn’t provide as much funding as the NDIS does
  • Obtain customised equipment. State equipment schemes don’t provide equipment to nursing home residents and aged care providers don’t have to provide customised equipment
  • Access rehabilitation
  • Access the community
  • Obtain transport funding
  • Maintain connections with vital health and other services
  • Leave the nursing home.

The Alliance is making another submission to the Aged Care Royal Commission about this devastating situation and would like to hear from NDIS participants who have found themselves in this position.

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