
This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am in a nursing home, and I am not receiving enough carer support, equipment, therapy or community access. What can I do?

What to do when funding is lost due to being placed in aged car.

When a young person is placed in aged care they discover that their disability funding gets taken away. The nursing home is either seen to be now wholly responsible for all of the care and support, or disability services do not have the funds to add ‘extra’ support.

Unfortunately however, aged care is funded for older people in the end stages of life. Older people require much less ‘active’ support than a young person with a complex disability, and the nursing home is not equipped to provide vital ‘extras’ such as additional staff to assist with clinical needs, rehabilitation therapists and community access.

If a young person enters aged care without additional input and funding from Disability, they will be treated like a older person; often left in bed for most of the day while they wait for their turn to get up; with insufficiently trained staff to monitor health, little to no rehabilitative therapy, and no communication with people their own age.

If you or someone you know find yourself in this position, there are potential avenues for you to follow. This may include a review of your disability funding and/or application and access community groups.

If you would like to discuss this further, please contact us to discuss your circumstance.

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