National Disability Insurance Scheme

The Alliance has made several submissions to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) throughout the scheme’s consultation, implementation and delivery phases.

In March 2024 the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 (‘the Bill’) was introduced into Parliament. The Bill anticipates the Commonwealth Government’s response to the reports of the NDIS Review and the Disability Royal Commission (DRC). On 27 March 2024, in announcing the introduction of the Bill, Minister Shorten said:

‘Many improvements cannot take effect until NDIS Rules, which are made with the states and territories, and legislative instruments are updated or made which will outline the detailed operation of the Scheme. Following the introduction of the Bill, the Government will engage in a co-design and consultation process with the disability community to design, make and update NDIS Rules and legislative instruments.’

The Senate referred the Bill to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 20 June 2024.

Our submissions

The Alliance welcomed the Inquiry into the NDIS Bill and the opportunity to outline in the submission the concerns affecting the YPINH cohort. The Alliance submission focused on the three key areas of the Scheme’s interface with other program areas, the under-65 age restriction, and the vital need for Plan Management Providers or Disability Support Organisations.


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