Information and resources

Our resources section contains information covering policies, reports and submissions. It also includes fact sheets, frequently asked questions and useful links.

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13 – 15 of 26 results


Submission to the Productivity Commission's recent Inquiry into NDIS Costs.

Apr 2017 - The Alliance made a submission to the Productivity Commission's recent Inquiry into NDIS Costs.


Submission to the National Dementia Action Plan

Feb 2023 - The Alliance made a submission to the National Dementia Action Plan consultation that is being conducted by The Department of Health and Ageing.


Submission to Queensland Public Advocate Inquiry into People with Disability in Long-Stay Health Care Facilities

2013 - The Alliance made a substantial submission to the Inquiry into the situation of individuals with disability in long stay health care facilities in Queensland


Submission to the NDIS Bill Senate Inquiry

2013 - Submission to the Senate’s Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012


Response to the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report into Disability Care and Support

2011 - The Productivity Commission called for submission responses to the Draft Report before handing down the final report in August 2011.

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