Information and resources

Our resources section contains information covering policies, reports and submissions. It also includes fact sheets, frequently asked questions and useful links.

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181 – 155 of 193 results


Submission to Queensland Public Advocate Inquiry into People with Disability in Long-Stay Health Care Facilities

2013 - The Alliance made a substantial submission to the Inquiry into the situation of individuals with disability in long stay health care facilities in Queensland


Addressing the barriers to deinstitutionalisation (QLD)

2013 - Office of the Public Advocate - People with intellectual disability or cognitive impairment residing long-term in health care facilities: Addressing the barriers to deinstitutionalisation A systemic advocacy report


Submission to the NDIS Bill Senate Inquiry

2013 - Submission to the Senate’s Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012


Response to the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report into Disability Care and Support

2011 - The Productivity Commission called for submission responses to the Draft Report before handing down the final report in August 2011.


YPIRAC2: The Next Steps report to FaHCSIA

2011 - Report to the Council of Australian Governments Standing Council on Community, Housing and Disability Services (SCCHDS)

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