Information and resources

Our resources section contains information covering policies, reports and submissions. It also includes fact sheets, frequently asked questions and useful links.

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19 – 19 of 19 results


Victorian Joint Solutions Forum Summit Report

Aug 2012 - The YPINH Alliance convened a special Joint Solutions Forum in the K Room, Parliament House, Melbourne.


Results... National Roundtable on Lifetime Care and Support

On April 7 2011, the Young People In Nursing Homes National Alliance convened a national roundtable on life time care and support. The aim of the roundtable was to promote discussion of the concept of life time care and support; identify key elements of a successful long term care system; and consider system interfaces that would need to be articulated to ensure sustainability of such an approach.


Younger People with Disability in Residential Aged Care program

2010 - A report on the data from the Younger People In Residential Aged Care Program produced by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).


PricewaterhouseCoopers National Disability Insurance Scheme - Final Report

2009 - PricewaterhouseCoopers worked with the Disability Investment Group (DIG) to consider the costs, benefits and governance of a National Disability Insurance Scheme.

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