Information and resources

Our resources section contains information covering policies, reports and submissions. It also includes fact sheets, frequently asked questions and useful links.

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7 – 10 of 19 results


Shaping the Future Today conference

2006 - The Shaping the Future Today mid-point review of the Council of Australian Governments five year initiative to address the growing Younger People In Residential Aged Care issue.


Tasmanian Joint Solutions Forum Summit Report

Jun 2012 - The YPINH Alliance convened a special Joint Solutions Forum in The Long Room, Parliament House, Hobart.


West Australian Joint Solutions Cross Sector Collaboration Roundtable

Nov 2014 - The YPINH Alliance convened a special Joint Solutions Roundtable in the Woodside Plaza, Perth.


Cross sector service coordination for people with high and complex needs: Harnessing existing evidence and knowledge 2014

A new report by the Young People In Nursing Homes National Alliance and Sydney University's Centre for Disability Research and Policy, shows that improved collaboration across governments and services is essential to successfully deliver the National Disability Insurance Scheme for people with complex health and disability needs.

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