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Queensland Joint Solutions Forum Report

Feb 2014 - The YPINH Alliance convened a special Joint Solutions Forum in the Parliamentary Annexe, Parliament House, Brisbane.

A follow up to the highly successful Joint Solutions Roundtable the Alliance had previously convened with senior officials from Queensland’s Department’s of Health; Communities, Child Safety and DisabilityServices; and Housing and Public Works, the forum was convened to raise awareness of the Queensland Joint Action Plan amongst the broader disability, health and housing sectors and highlight the need for improved collaboration across and between sectors, communities and government.

Over 80 young people, family members, advocates and service providers joined representatives from the National Disability Insurance Agency and senior officials to discuss the capacity of the Joint Action Plan to resolve the issue of young Queenslanders in long stay healthcare facilities; and begin collaborations with the NDIS to develop integrated service responses for young people with complex health and disability support needs.

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