
This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.


Tasmanian Joint Solutions Forum Summit Report

Jun 2012 - The YPINH Alliance convened a special Joint Solutions Forum in The Long Room, Parliament House, Hobart.

Leaders from Victorian health, disability and aged care sectors met in the K Room, Parliament House Melbourne, to discuss the need for coordinated care pathways for young people with complex support needs at the Victorian Joint Solutions Leaders Summit convened by the Young People In Nursing Homes National Alliance.

Dr. Bronwyn Morkham, the Alliance’s National Director, welcomed those present and asked each person to briefly introduce themselves, outlining their role and what outcomes they hoped to obtain from the morning’s proceedings. A desire to address some of the major service system blockages experienced across programs emerged as an early concern.

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This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.


National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Participant Service Guarantee and Other Measures) Bill 2021

In this submission the Alliance suggested a comprehensive review of the NDIS be undertaken by the Productivity Commission to examine the scheme’s evolution, governance and practice as a social insurance scheme.

Submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee

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