
This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.

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Miscellaneous Links

National Rural Health Alliance

We are committed to improving the health and wellbeing of the 7 million people in rural and remote Australia. Our diverse membership includes representation from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector, health professional organisations, health service providers, health educators and students.

The Alliance provides a united voice for people and health professionals living and working in rural communities and advocates for sustainable and affordable health services. Our most important role, underpinned by our broad representative base, is listening to the people of rural, regional and remote Australia and taking their views to government.

Working closely with the Alliance Council, our policy team identifies existing and emerging issues affecting rural health and develops and advocates targeted, evidence-based policy outcomes. We are a credible source of expertise and evidence-based information, and we work closely with politicians, governments, departments and a broad range of stakeholders to build healthy and adaptable rural communities.

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This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.

External Links
Young people in nursing homes


Youngcare designs and builds Specialist Disability Accommodation for high physical support needs.

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This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.

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Young people in nursing homes

Summer Foundation

We’re passionate about stopping young people with disability from being forced into residential aged care, by helping them access the support needed to be in control of where, how and with whom they live.

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This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.

External Links
Support Services

Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN)

Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) is a state-wide organisation of, by, and for people with diverse disability.

QDN’s work is centred around a strong network of people across Queensland and almost 30 peer support groups which inform, connect, lead, and influence change.

We are a vibrant, active network of influencers, decision-makers, spokespeople, consultants, group members and peer leaders with a drive to make change happen.  We also work on projects that align with our vision and mission around important issues in the lives of people with disability. We believe it’s important to work together with communities, services, business, industry and government to lead and influence change.

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This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.

External Links
Support Services

CODA Disability Support Assoc. Inc

Providing flexible supports to people with a disability.

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This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.

External Links
Support Services


SHOUT provides members with a range of services and facilities to develop and support self-help groups in the ACT region.

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This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.

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New South Wales
Support Services

Northcott Society

Personalised and dynamic support across NSW and ACT

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This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.

External Links
Support Services

Community Based Support (CBS)

A not-for-profit Tasmanian organisation delivering aged care and disability services to enable people to live safely in their homes and enjoy access to the community as they wish.

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This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.

External Links
Progressive Neurological Diseases
Western Australia

Parkinson's Western Australia

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This Resource Centre aims to support you in your journey by providing a broad range of relevant information; including fact sheets, faqs and useful links.

External Links
Progressive Neurological Diseases

Parkinson's Tasmania

A voluntary non-profit organisation providing support for people living with Parkinson’s their carers and families.

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