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Shaping the Future Today: Transforming Housing Policy for Australians with Disability

A partnership with Monash University's Art, Design and Architecture studio (MADA), the booklet showcases international and Australian examples of housing that delivers community connection for people of all abilities.

The emerging National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) demands new thinking on how housing and support services are conceived, designed and delivered.

The introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme means that the segregated approaches previously used by the States, the Territories and the disability service sector to plan, fund, allocate and deliver disability support services, are now on the verge of redundancy.

A more outward looking and inclusive policy framework is required that is not only consistent with the objectives of the NDIS, but can also deliver practically on the National Disability Strategy.

Shaping the Future Today contains Australian and International examples of housing developments that use urban and precinct design to deliver community connection opportunities for people of all abilities.

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Response to the NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework Discussion Paper 2015

May 2015 - With the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), attention has now turned to development of a Quality and Safeguarding Framework for the scheme.

The Alliance’s response argues for a robust framework that provides confidence and surety for consumers of NDIS and other funded services; and for Community Living Organisations to be front line agencies of the scheme.

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Review of the National Disability Advocacy Framework (NDAF) 2015

Aug 2015 - The review of the National Disability Advocacy Framework (NDAF) is a critical component of the overall reform program currently in play nationally in Australia.

In its submission to the review, the Alliance calls for advocacy practice to be redefined as a citizen service not a disability service; and for multiprogram funding to support organisations undertaking advocacy practice in the post NDIS world.

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Submission to the Review of the NDIS Act 2013

Oct 2015 - The Alliance has called for a number of changes to scheme design to improve the NDIS operational capacities.

The Young People In Nursing Homes National Alliance is pleased to provide a submission to the review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.

We believe that the review is timely, given that the original legislation was designed primarily for the launch of the scheme and, based on the experience of the scheme in the trial sites, it was always likely that the Act’s provisions would change over time.

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Submission to the Productivity Commission's recent Inquiry into NDIS Costs.

Apr 2017 - The Alliance made a submission to the Productivity Commission's recent Inquiry into NDIS Costs.

Following consideration of the submissions they received, the PC released a position paper that outlines the Commission’s early thinking on NDIS costs. The purpose of this position paper is to seek feedback on the Commission’s preliminary conclusions, and on any additional issues that should be considered before the public release of the final study report.

Related links:

  • Productivity Commission – Position Paper
  • Productivity Commission earlier Issues Paper that aimed to help participants prepare a submission
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Submission to the NDIS Bill Senate Inquiry

2013 - Submission to the Senate’s Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012

While recognising the evolutionary nature of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the Young People In Nursing Homes National Alliance believes the NDIS Bill 2012 needs to build key features into the Scheme design to meet the requirements of both the launch phase, longer term operation and community expectation.

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Tasmanian Joint Solutions Forum Summit Report

Jun 2012 - The YPINH Alliance convened a special Joint Solutions Forum in The Long Room, Parliament House, Hobart.

Leaders from Victorian health, disability and aged care sectors met in the K Room, Parliament House Melbourne, to discuss the need for coordinated care pathways for young people with complex support needs at the Victorian Joint Solutions Leaders Summit convened by the Young People In Nursing Homes National Alliance.

Dr. Bronwyn Morkham, the Alliance’s National Director, welcomed those present and asked each person to briefly introduce themselves, outlining their role and what outcomes they hoped to obtain from the morning’s proceedings. A desire to address some of the major service system blockages experienced across programs emerged as an early concern.

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West Australian Joint Solutions Cross Sector Collaboration Roundtable

Nov 2014 - The YPINH Alliance convened a special Joint Solutions Roundtable in the Woodside Plaza, Perth.

The arrival of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the ongoing imperative to progress the National Disability Strategy (NDS), have highlighted the pressing need for mainstream programs to participate in the reforms underway around services and supports for people with disability. While the issue of developing workable interfaces between specialist disability programs, mainstream programs and the NDIS has been discussed in many forums, little practical attention has been given to how this can be achieved and what outcomes are sought for governments, providers and people with disability.

The Joint Solutions Roundtables have been convened by the YPINH National Alliance in the jurisdictions to interrogate how these cross-­‐program connections can be developed. The Perth Roundtable focussed on the imperatives around the NDS and the NDIS in Western Australia and included discussion about the My Way and NDIS trial sites.

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South Australian Joint Solutions Cross Sector Collaboration Roundtable

Sep 2014 - The YPINH Alliance convened a special Joint Solutions Forum in the Balcony Room, Parliament House, Adelaide.

The arrival of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the ongoing imperative to progress the National Disability Strategy (NDS), have highlighted the pressing need for mainstream programs to participate in the reforms underway around services and supports for people with disability. While the issue of developing workable interfaces between specialist disability programs, mainstream programs and the NDIS has been discussed in many forums, little practical attention has been given to how this can be achieved and what outcomes are sought for governments, providers and people with disability.

The Joint Solutions Roundtables have been convened by the YPINH National Alliance in the jurisdictions to interrogate how these cross-­‐program connections can be developed. The Adelaide Roundtable focussed on the imperatives around the NDS and the NDIS in South Australia.

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Queensland Joint Solutions Forum Report

Feb 2014 - The YPINH Alliance convened a special Joint Solutions Forum in the Parliamentary Annexe, Parliament House, Brisbane.

A follow up to the highly successful Joint Solutions Roundtable the Alliance had previously convened with senior officials from Queensland’s Department’s of Health; Communities, Child Safety and DisabilityServices; and Housing and Public Works, the forum was convened to raise awareness of the Queensland Joint Action Plan amongst the broader disability, health and housing sectors and highlight the need for improved collaboration across and between sectors, communities and government.

Over 80 young people, family members, advocates and service providers joined representatives from the National Disability Insurance Agency and senior officials to discuss the capacity of the Joint Action Plan to resolve the issue of young Queenslanders in long stay healthcare facilities; and begin collaborations with the NDIS to develop integrated service responses for young people with complex health and disability support needs.

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